Triage and Intake Policy
We understand that finding an OT is often a time-intensive and emotionally taxing process - for NDIS participants, carers, support coordinators, and everyone else in between! This is why we have created our Benefact ‘Triage and Intake Policy’.
We always promise to:
Be honest and upfront regarding our scope of practice and/or speciality areas. If we do not believe that we are the right OTs to help you right now, we may refer you on to an amazing OT or organisation within our professional network*. It is 1000000% your choice as to whether or not you would like to accept or pursue these referrals.
Be transparent about our fee structure. We follow the pricing structure as outlined within the NDIS Price Guideline in place at the time of service. The NDIS Price Guide for OT is broken down within two categories: hours and KMs. We will always send you a formal Service Agreement to review and sign prior to commencing services. We send this to you electronically prior to your first consult so that you don’t feel pressured into signing for the sake of it.
Be open when it comes to the progress of your referral or current services. The nature of our work as OTs (in particular, our particular practice areas) means that delays may happen from time to time. Constructive criticism is always welcome. You are always able to contact Benefact Management if you have any issues above your allocated OT.
Always adopt a ‘trauma-informed’ approach to services, regardless of whether anything has been disclosed to us prior to us making contact with you. This extends to our lovely external referrers, such as carers, Support Coordinators, Allied Health & Medical Professionals, Plan Managers, NDIS LACs, lawyers, etc.
*We do this purely for the love of OT and respect for others as per the Benefact ethos. OT is a tight-knit world, where word travels far - we have several independent OTs and OT practices that we have worked alongside AND have received positive feedback from referred on, current, or past clients.
We don’t accept kickbacks of any form (and NEVER will), including payment or mutual referral favours when it comes to referring to a non-Benefact OT. Please note that being external to Benefact, we do not have control over any external professionals’/organisations’ scope, practice, conduct, or other business practices.
Please call 000 if you feel that you or someone else is in immediate danger.
Last updated on 02 September 2023